生产者和消费者选择植物基饮品有多种原因。 众所周知的植物基原料有大豆、燕麦和杏仁,然而,还有许多有趣的植物基原料可供选择。 例如:蚕豆、土豆、豌豆、班巴拉坚果、大麻以及啤酒花。
选择利乐,获得我们全球原料供应商的支持,采用利乐先进生产线,选择提升品牌价值的植物基产品包装,获取从原料到分销的专家建议,为您生产流程的每一步保驾护航。 利乐植物基解决方案无懈可击,能够以合适的价格为消费者提供优质的植物基产品。
您所看到的是一条不锈钢设备生产线。 您所获得的是我们数十年的食品加工和包装专业知识,以及通过给全球数千家工厂进行维护和优化所积累的先进的自动化技术和经验,所以对植物基饮料生产而言,这是一个无与伦比的端到端整合解决方案。 我们可以帮助您以尽可能低的总成本实现产品所需的质量。
您所看到的是一条不锈钢设备生产线。 您所获得的是我们数十年的食品加工和包装专业知识,以及通过给全球数千家工厂进行维护和优化所积累的先进的自动化技术和经验,所以对植物基饮料生产而言,这是一个无与伦比的端到端整合解决方案。 我们可以帮助您以尽可能低的总成本实现产品所需的质量。
我们的加工解决方案可以最大限度地降低能耗、水耗,减少废物,同时,不会影响产品质量。 联系我们,了解如何降低影响和成本——例如:在较低温度下进行燕麦灭酶处理,或者由直接(蒸汽注入)热处理转变为间接热处理。
Consumers want perfect products every time, and mixing is a key part of ensuring this. Our extensive line of equipment will help you master this critical step.
Buffer tanks balance processes by temporarily storing product on the line. Our tanks for aseptic and non-aseptic products boost efficiency and cut product loss.
Colours, flavours, vitamins and more benefit from aseptic dosing. Our dosing solutions meet any need – from same-ingredient dosing to injections before filling.
Whether you separate milk or remove particles from juice, you’ll get excellent product quality, efficiency and flexibility from our separation equipment.
Continuous in-line or manual batch, our blending solutions make sure your products feature consistent flavour, colour, texture and other key characteristics.
Our CIP equipment is known for its high accuracy. This means faster cleaning, greater uptime, lower utilities consumption, and less risk of food safety issues.
Perfecting homogenisation takes the right technology, optimally configured and operated. Discover our reliable, cost-effective and sustainable solutions.
Producing tea our soy? Our semi--continuous extraction system cools and clarifies your tea, while our soy unit extracts concentrate via sophisticated processes.
UHT treatment is about temperature and time. Our direct-treatment option gives you high product quality, while indirect treatment maximises cost-efficiency.
Pasteurisation makes products safe, extends shelf life, reduces spoilage and can even alter characteristics. Our low-TCO solutions will meet your every need.