由于生产商找到了满足最新消费趋势并生产差异化产品的方法,纯果汁、果肉果汁饮料和非碳酸饮料市场正在迅速增长。 有没有想过您的饮料是否含有水果块? 您的果汁是否可以有不同的颜色? 或者您可以在饮料中添加益生菌? 如果您曾有过这些想法,那您来对了地方! 得益于我们在饮料行业70多年的经验,我们对纯果汁、果肉果汁饮料和非碳酸饮料有深入的认识和了解,有能力帮助您开发消费者喜爱的新产品。
生产纯果汁、果肉果汁饮料和非碳酸饮料是一项细致的工作,因此设备的选择至关重要。 我们的专业设备为您提供模块化的生产方法,确保生产的灵活性,适用于所有饮料的生产。 了解我们专为纯果汁、果肉果汁饮料和非碳酸饮料而设计的设备如何改善您的生产流程,助你生产高品质的饮料。
Mix preparation is a complex process. From individual units to customised plants, our solutions handle every need, while ensuring food safety and hygiene.
Buffer tanks balance processes by temporarily storing product on the line. Our tanks for aseptic and non-aseptic products boost efficiency and cut product loss.
Perfecting homogenisation takes the right technology, optimally configured and operated. Discover our reliable, cost-effective and sustainable solutions.
Whether you separate milk or remove particles from juice, you’ll get excellent product quality, efficiency and flexibility from our separation equipment.
Adding and keeping bubbles in drinks takes sophisticated equipment. Static mixing plus precise flow, pressure and temperature controls make our solutions ideal.
Our CIP equipment is known for its high accuracy. This means faster cleaning, greater uptime, lower utilities consumption, and less risk of food safety issues.
Continuous in-line or manual batch, our blending solutions make sure your products feature consistent flavour, colour, texture and other key characteristics.
Producing tea our soy? Our semi--continuous extraction system cools and clarifies your tea, while our soy unit extracts concentrate via sophisticated processes.
Dissolving sugar consumes significant energy. Tightly controlled dosing enables our equipment to reduce energy consumption and prevent overdosing and dilution.
Pasteurisation makes products safe, extends shelf life, reduces spoilage and can even alter characteristics. Our low-TCO solutions will meet your every need.
含块状物或较小颗粒的饮料对生产造成一系列挑战。 例如在添加水果块时,如何保证水果块完整并均匀分布? 我们可以帮助您给颗粒安全杀菌,同时不会过度蒸煮承载液体,保证您充分利用昂贵的原材料。