随着消费者对更多的选择以及更好的质量和体验提出要求,整个行业都在参与一场食品竞争,而您将会脱颖而出。 从专家建议到优化的加工和包装解决方案,利乐为您获得和保持食品生产优势提供支持,是您的最佳合作伙伴。
利乐佳®是您值得信赖的包装选择。 这种创新型、面向未来的长保质期食品包装解决方案,能够满足消费者、零售商和生产商不断变化的需求。
Continuous in-line or manual batch, our blending solutions make sure your products feature consistent flavour, colour, texture and other key characteristics.
Buffer tanks balance processes by temporarily storing product on the line. Our tanks for aseptic and non-aseptic products boost efficiency and cut product loss.
Whether you separate milk or remove particles from juice, you’ll get excellent product quality, efficiency and flexibility from our separation equipment.
Our CIP equipment is known for its high accuracy. This means faster cleaning, greater uptime, lower utilities consumption, and less risk of food safety issues.
Colours, flavours, vitamins and more benefit from aseptic dosing. Our dosing solutions meet any need – from same-ingredient dosing to injections before filling.
Heat treatment is critical for food safety, product quality, and cost-effective, sustainable processing. Our solutions ensure consistently high-quality results.
Perfecting homogenization takes the right technology, optimally configured and operated. Discover our reliable, cost-effective and sustainable solutions.
All common dairy processes utilise membrane filtration directly or indirectly. Our portfolio comprises a wide range of proven systems and membrane types.
Consumers want perfect products every time, and mixing is a key part of ensuring this. Our extensive line of equipment will help you master this critical step.
Pasteurisation makes products safe, extends shelf life, reduces spoilage and can even alter characteristics. Our low-TCO solutions will meet your every need.
Speed and precision are critical in product standardisation. Sophisticated instruments enable our systems to deliver great results and save on ingredients.
UHT treatment is about temperature and time. Our direct-treatment option gives you high product quality, while indirect treatment maximises cost-efficiency.
消费者要求保鲜性能更好、更便利的包装解决方案,同时减少对环境的影响。 利乐佳®是一款创新的、面向未来的长保质期食品包装解决方案,旨在满足消费者不断变化的需求,该创新包装开辟了新的市场机遇,可替代易拉罐、玻璃罐以及袋装。